On 27/1/2018, our main office was packed till every corner of the hall as the crowd was here to listen and participate in a event organised by World Blockchain Foundation. The theme “The Future Today (Blockchain & Crypto Assets)” was selected and shared by our Chairman and Founder, Mr. Lee Willson. More than 30 attendees listened attentively to our speaker who shared on the future of what blockchain technology can bring and it is not just mere trading of coins and ICOs. Mr. Lee also highlighted on the upcoming Hardcore Uncensored Blockchain event which will be help in Kuala Lumpur on 9 March 2018. For more info, please refer to HUB2018KL.
日期: 27/1/2018 (Sat)
时间: 7pm – 9pm
地点: D-31-08, Myloft, Empire City, Selangor
费用: Rm20/pax (茶点提供)
* 只限首30位报名者,先到先得。