WBF AND BWT at The Brand Laureate


WBF AND BWT at The Brand Laureate

The World Blockchain Foundation and the Bitcoin World Tour were awarded two prestigious BrandLaurette World’s BestBrandsAward for IT respectively at the BrandLaureate BestBrandsAwards 2016-2017 Gala Dinner held at the Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpur last night.

Mr. Lee Willson, the Founder and President of the World Blockchain Foundation, a critically-acclaimed and world-renowned Bitcoin Ambassador, proudly received the award on behalf of the World Blockchain Foundation and the Bitcoin World Tour, which comprised of a team of dedicated and talented individuals without whom these awards would not have been possible.

The BrandLaureate World’s BestBrandsAward is a special award that celebrates the efforts of individuals and organisations that are exceptional in creating a high level of brand awareness at the global stage.

The World Blockchain Foundation and the Bitcoin World Tour were the brainchild of Mr Lee, where he spearheaded an amazing team that tirelessly worked in actively promoting and developing the blockchain technology into a critically-acclaimed World Brand, acknowledged by leading figures in the global blockchain and crypto-currency world.

The Bitcoin World Tour has been hailed as the first documented bitcoin tour of its kind, where it has successfully penetrated into 25 countries and 60 cities worldwide in the span of just 3 years, promoting bitcoin and blockchain technology through its Bitcoinomics series, thus recognizing and affirming Mr Lee’s status as the first ever Bitcoin Ambassador.

The World Blockchain Foundation is proud to continue its efforts in creating waves in the blockchain community even after this momentous occasion. Its mission is to drive a strong blockchain brand culture throughout the IT world and the world at large.